
Department of Materials and Textiles

Faculty(Department of Materials and Textiles)

Job Title

Research areas

Contact Method
Curriculum Vitae
Shang-Ming Lin
1. Professor
2. Chairman
3. Director of the Center
for Function-Fashion
Textiles Research
and Development,
Research and Development Office

Ph.D. in Chemistry and Chemical 

Technology, University of

Bradford West Yorkshire, U.K

The Synthesis of Dyes and Pigments and Their Application,

Dyeing and Finishing Technology,

The Extract of Natural Materials and Their Application,

Preparation of Biomaterials and Their Application




Mao-Chuan, Huang President/Professor

Ph.D. of National Taiwan

University of Science and Technology

Synthesis and application of dyeing and finishing auxiliaries,

Fabric finishing,

Flocking fabric,

Fabric inspection



Juei-Chin Chen
Professor and
Dean for General Affairs
Doctor, Institute Of 
Polymer Engineering, 
National Taiwan University of 
Science and Technology

Textiles dyeing and finishing,

Antibacterial polymer materials

Yi-Jun Pan Associate Prof.

Ph.D. of Textiles,

Heriot-Watt University UK

Yarn Researches & Applications,

Yarn Spinning Technologies,

Fabric Evaluations & Applications,

Electrospinning Researches & Applications,

Textile & Composite Textile Examinations



Wei-Hua Yao Associate Professor
National Taiwan University of
science and Technology
Doctor of Polymer Engineering

Polymer blends,

Polymer physics,

Biodegradable polymer materials,

Antibacterial polymer materials



Chi-Hsiung Jou Associate Professor

Doctor of Philosophy,

Department of Polymer Engineering,

National Taiwan University of Science and Technology


Polymer Engineering,

Textiles Testing



Chien-Hsin Chen Lecturer
M.S., National Taiwan
University of Science
and Technology
National Chung Cheng University

Yarn Formation,

Textiles Engineering,

Industry Analysis,

Marketing Management



Ling Yuan Lecturer

Master of Textile Engineering

Research Institute,

Feng Chia University

Fabric design,

Fabric forming

Chiu-I Hsu Associate Professor
Ph. D. of Graduate School of
Creative Industry Design,
National Taiwan University of Arts
Master of École National Des arts décoratifs,
en Département
de design de mode, Paris, France

Process function material design application

cross-domain artisan ar

product design

fashion products and cross-regional artisan

Product Design

Fashion Curation

Aesthetic Art Education

Art Education Theory

Green Fashion Design

Design Thinking

Creative Thinking and Aesthetic Design

Social Design and

Democratic Design Services



Jung Mei Kao Assistant Professor
Department of Fashion
Design ,Shin Chien University
Clothing Institute Fashion Material, Japan ESMOD

Clothing pattern, 

Computer Aided Pattern, 

Garment Draping, 

Pattern Making, 

Fashion Design,

Clothing Construction



LAI WEN-KUEI Assistant Professor
PhD in Tatung University
Design Science ,ROC
International Exchange
Student in Oregon University ,USA
MD in Shih Chien University
Fashion and Media Design ,ROC

Fashion design,

Clothing production,

Functional clothing,

Human factors engineering,

Universal design,

Smart clothing



Yu-Min, Chang Assistant professor
Master of Science in Textiles
and Clothing ,
Fu Jen Catholic University

Fashion Design,

Fashion Illustration,

Apparel Formation and Manufacture



