Department of Information Management

Introduction to the Department of Information Management

In response to the advent of the knowledge-based economy era, after restructuring into an institute of technology in 2000, the school has been committed to the institute operation guideline of “developing key features and key breakthroughs”. From the seven divisions before the restructuring, today, we have become an academic system of three research institutes, three colleges, and 11 departments. There are around a total of 4,600 students, and we are gradually moving toward the goal of becoming an university of science and technology.
The Department of Information Management was established in 2002. Since its founding, our talent cultivation goal has been “smart lifestyle and value-added innovation”. It is supplemented by two main developmental approaches - “cloud service innovation and application” and “smart business innovation and application”, in order to construct and enrich the learning content of the "smart lifestyle and value-added innovation". We also pursue an educational atmosphere imbued with humanistic care and professional ethics, and we are committed to providing a high-quality learning environment with full of enthusiasm and positive interaction. We hope to cultivate information talents with a sound character, as well as innovative practice and management.
The current profile of the Department of Information Management, including the scale, student quality, space, and faculty are found below:




Established Established in 2002
Number of Classes Four-year college: 8 full-time classes
Source of Recruitment
(39 people under joint allocation + 36 people under recommendation)/Approved
quota 80 people = registration rate 75/80 = 93.75%
In addition, 7 people with outstanding technical skills, 2 people with physical disabilities,
including the additional registration rate of 84/80 = 105%.
Currently enrolled in the 2018 academic year: Data Management Section, Business and Management Group;
Computer and Electrical Engineering Section, Electrical Engineering and Electronic Engineering Group; Design Section
Number of Students 372 students in full-time classes
Number of Teaching Staff
Total 10 people
(1 professor, 2 associate professors, 7 assistant professors)
Full-Time Assistants Total 2 people
1 Department office, 3 computer classrooms, 7 laboratories
10 staff research rooms, 1 computer facility, 3 warehouses
A total of 1284.297 square meters
Development Objectives “Smart Lifestyle” and “Value-Added Service”
Development Focus “Cloud service innovation and application” and “smart business innovation and application”
Targeted Industry “Health care” industry and “information and communication” industry
Field of Expertise “Cloud virtual integration” and “smart service integration”
Student Quality
Average highest/lowest score ranking for the 2018 academic year:
Business and Management Group: 33.90 / 68.15
Computer and Electrical Engineering Section, Electrical Engineering and Electronic Engineering Group: 29.10 / 51.16
Design Section: 24.97 / 35.16
Development Features
l Establish a professionally certifiable education and learning atmosphere
2 Use themed practical projects as the core and expand to industry-academia collaboration, competitions, and corporate internships.
3 Use mobility, service, and smart approach as the development strategy of themed practical projects. Integrate with healthcare, mobility, and learning to establish the application of “Smart Lifestyle Value-Added Service”.
Important Equipment Mobile communication equipment Graphics workstation Six Blade servers
11 High-speed servers
PC that supports multimedia development RFID development environment
Pepper robot Zenbo robot VR, MR
Implemented Government Programs “Themed Topic Research Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology”, “Academia Assistance in Science and technology for SMEs of the Department of Industrial Technology, MOEA”, “Taipei-Keelung-Yilan-Hualien-Kinmen-Matsu Regional Employment Assistance Program of the Ministry of Labor”, “Enhanced Teaching Force School Continuation Program”, “Ministry of Education Subsidy for Technical and Vocational Schools for Practical Curriculum Development and Teacher and Student Practice Enhancement Program”, “Technical and Vocational School Teaching Innovation Pilot Project”, “Assisting New Taipei Elementary School with Information Enhancement (USR) Project”, and “Higher Education Sprout Project”.
Competition Awards
2013 Charity, Technology, Humanities National Web Design Competition and Mobile APP Creation Competition: 1 “Gold Award”, 1 “Silver Award”, 4 “Bronze Awards” and 1 “Excellence Award”
2013 18th InnoServe Awards: “Excellence Award”
2013 National Tertiary Institution Intellectual Property Rights Knowledge Short Essay and Comic Contest “First Prize”
2014 44th National Skills Competitions Northern Divisions Skills Competition - Web Design “4th Place”
2014 National University Student Intellectual Property Rights Knowledge Short Essay and Comic Contest - Comics Category “First Prize”
2014 National Tertiary Institution Intellectual Property Rights Knowledge Short Essay and Comic Contest - Short Essay Category “First Prize”
2014 OPEN DATA Innovation Application Contest “Excellence Award”
2014 Charity, Technology, Humanities National Web Design Competition and Mobile APP Creation Competition “Third Place”
2014 Internet of Things Talent Cultivation Startup Competition “Second Place”
2015 Northern Region Technical and Vocational School “Introduction of Computer Science” Fourth Examination “Outstanding Results”
2015 Visual Innovation TWNIC Image Advertisement Design Competition - Web Visual Design Group “Excellence Award”
2015 Charity, Technology, Humanities National Web Design Competition and Mobile APP Creation Competition “First Place”
2015 Taobao Online Store Startup “First Place”
2016 27th International Invention & Innovation Exhibition (ITEX) Malaysia “First Place”, “Indonesia Special Award”
2017 Cloud E-Generation National Management Special Project Competition - Information Management Category “Second Place”, “Excellence Award”, “Best Team”
2017 National Health Care and Smart Life Entrepreneurship Special Project Competition - Smart Lifestyle Category “Excellence Award”
2017 Youth and Senior Generation Creativity and Innovation Competition “Excellence Award”
2017 22nd InnoServe Awards - Information Application Category “Excellence Award”
2017 Kaohsiung International Invention and Design Expo (KIDE) “Silver Medal”
2017 Pilot Project “Campus APP Innovation Contest” - “First Place”, “Third Place”, 2 groups winning an “Excellence Award”
2018 National Tertiary Institution Python Programming Competition “Excellence Award”
2018 New Taipei Traffic Safety Hackathon Innovation Competition “Excellence Award”



Oriental Institute of Technology is a member of the Far Eastern Group. In addition to numerous industry-academia project collaborations between the department and Far Eastern Memorial Hospital and Far EasTone Telecommunications, “Summer Industry Internship” opportunities for students are also provided by Far Eastern Electronic Toll Collection and Far EasTone Education Center, where students have gained a lot of valuable experience. In the future, we will make good use of the Group's resources and work closely with related companies, as well as establish long-term cooperative partnerships with Far EasTone, A.Mart, and New Century InfoComm Tech, in order to provide students with better internship environments and employment opportunities. It has been 16 years since the establishment of the department, all members of staff and students have upheld the school motto of “Sincerity, Diligence, Thrift, and Prudence, and Innovation”. Based on the educational philosophy of “it takes a century to cultivate people”, we will do our best to provide students with a good learning environment and to lay down a proper professional foundation and learning attitude for the students, which will enable students to become more competitive after graduation and to move successfully towards the next goal.

Features of the Department
The development direction of the department focuses on the integration of information technology and business management, emphasizing the cooperation between theoretical methods and practical applications. We focus on the importance of research and development of inter-disciplinary technology integration, and carry out interdisciplinary course integration. In the future, we will actively move toward the four major goals: (1) Recruit experts and scholars in various fields to strengthen the department faculty. (2) Work together with companies in nearby industrial areas to strengthen internship cooperation with the industry. (3) Improve teaching and research standards and hold academic internship seminars. (4) Participate in international academic exchanges, expand international outlook, and move towards globalization. With the development goal of “smart lifestyle and value-added innovation”, and “cloud service innovation and application" and “smart business innovation and application” as the main focus of development, the department has planned two major development areas of expertise: “Cloud Virtual Integration” and “Smart Service Integration”. Through the curriculum module and learning guidance mechanisms, we hope to cultivate information management professionals who can apply everything that they have learned.